Last Updated: February 8, 2023
We are all aware of the nature of scuba diving, but do you know anything about its origin? Do you know what does the SCUBA acronym mean?
Well, let me clear this up. Scuba is a word derived from the acronym SCUBA that stands for Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus. It is one of the instances when an acronym is actually converted to a word we now widely use.
In the past, scuba used to be referred to as only the equipment, whereas now it is not the same. It is now only referred to as the water sport activity, and the equipment is known by different terms, respectively.
So let me dive in and go through a bit of the history of scuba diving.
History Of Scuba
The history of diving underwater and exploring the aquatic world dates back centuries. In early Greece and Rome, people indulged in diving underwater by holding their breath. From the diving bell to snorkeling to our modern-day scuba diving equipment, we have come a long way.
Around the 16th century, people used diving bells that would supply air from the water’s surface, which allowed people to stay underwater for a longer duration. Most of the deep-diving types of equipment was later designed for military and scientific purposes. This scenario completely took a turn with the advent of the ‘Aqua Lung‘.
By 1942, Jacques Cousteau and Émile Gagnan invented the famous ‘Aqua Lung’, a turning point in their profession and a breakthrough device for diving. Due to the arrival of the new equipment, people were more curious to explore the deep waters for recreation and fun.

With this, more people became aware of underwater exploration, which led to the opening of numerous diving schools.
Where Did The Acronym SCUBA Come From?
Dr. Christian Lambertsen coined the acronym in 1954 while working on the prototypes of re-breathers for military services. He had designed this mainly for the frogmen (trained for scuba diving for military work) during the Second World War.
After his contribution, he got the name “Father of the Frogmen” and the “Father of the American Scuba”.
SCUBA is an acronym which was referred to as the oxygen apparatus for the divers during ancient times. In the modern-day term, Scuba refers to the water sport that we all love. With the emergence of science and technology, there have been significant changes over the years.
Scuba equipment has made divers’ lives easier and has made diving possible for thousands across the world.
Other Diving Acronyms And Technical Terms
Diving is not just a sport for pleasure and exploring the sea, but is also a great responsibility. Your life is dependent on the gear and equipment available with a good amount of training.
When you are involved in something new, learning a few terms and jargon related to it is crucial. The same applies to scuba diving as well. There is a handful of glossary terms and technicalities that we may have to learn to understand it better.
Below is a list of some important acronyms with their meaning to help you speak the scuba language:
- AAS – Alternate Air Source is a bright yellowed color device on your gear, also referred to as a pony air bottle to be utilized when primary tanks get empty. It is your second stage for regulator during the time of emergencies.
- AGE – Arterial Gas Embolism is a medical condition that deep divers can face while they are underwater. The air bubbles can cause pressure and enter the blood circulation, which may end up in a stroke.
- ABT – Actual Bottom Time. It usually refers to the total time spent underwater by a diver. The calculation involves the time from when the divers go underwater and are then back to the surface.
- AOW – Advanced Open Water is a certification level provided by most training agencies. Its second-degree qualification for the divers that allows them to dive deep into the sea up to 30 meters.
- BCD – Buoyancy Control Device, also referred to as the ‘jacket’, helps the divers float underwater and on the surface. They help to maintain the negative buoyancy underwater and positive at the surface.
- BWRAF – Stands for BCD, Weight, Releases, Air, Final. It is like a pre-dive safety check that one needs to complete with their buddy. This involves checking each other’s equipment and confirming if everything is in place.
- CESA – Controlled Emergency Swimming Ascent. It is an emergency tactic that one learns during the initial training stage, specifically the OW (Open Water) stage. When the diver is alone underwater and lacks air, they are supposed to swim slowly up to the surface to catch their breath.
- DMT – Diver Medical Technician is someone who is specially trained for any medical emergencies and first aid required during accidents and mishaps.
- DPV – Diver Propulsion Vehicle or the underwater scooter, is something that helps divers swim through the wavy waters with ease and less kicking.
- EFR – Emergency First Response is the first aid course that a diver needs to take part in training.
- LPI – Low Pressure Inflator, is a hose that connects the BCD with the air tank that the divers carry.
- MOD – Maximum Operating Depth is the deepest level of water that a diver can go in regards to the gas available.
- RNT – Residual Nitrogen Time. It is the amount of nitrogen left in the body of the diver after a certain depth.
- SPG – Submersible Pressure Gauge. The gauge tells the diver the remaining pressure in their tank. It has to be monitored closely to avoid running out of air.
Final Thoughts
Scuba diving is one of the most adventurous water sports that many people have on their bucket lists. With the development in science and tech, we have new and improved equipment to make our diving experience smooth and more enjoyable.
Underwater exploration is something that many of us dream of. With partly being adventurous, it can be dangerous at the same time. With appropriate training and understanding of the underwater world, you can enjoy every bit of the deep blue sea.

My unbounded love for the oceans and everything it has to offer motivated me to pursue my passion and become a professional scuba diving instructor.
I keep reading, exploring, and learning more about scuba diving and the underwater world all the time, so I’m excited to share my knowledge with fellow scuba enthusiasts and hopefully contribute a little to your development as a diver. I want people to fall in love with the oceans with as much passion as I have. Read more about me here.