Last Updated: February 21, 2023
No, scuba diving doesn’t directly affect hair growth, nor does it cause hair loss.
However, the constant exposure to sun and saltwater can weaken the hair, causing it to become dry, brittle, and frizzy while your goggles and equipment can be pulling the hair out.
If you want to continue doing what you love, but aren’t willing to do it at the expense of your hair, then read on to find out my best tips for keeping your hair healthy as an active scuba diver.
How Can I Protect My Hair While Scuba Diving?
If you’re thinking that only a pixie cute or a bald head will work, then I’ve got some great news for you. There are a ton of different things you can do before going through the drastic measure of cutting off your luscious locks of hair.
You can add a marine life and water-safe hair coating before entering the water. Coat your hair with coconut oil or a fresh water rinse for a quick added protective layer from the salt. But if you’re looking for SPF protection as well, try an environmentally safe conditioner before the water.
Concerning hairstyles, as fun as it is to embrace the mermaid with long flowing locks, they can get in the way of your view and are more prone to breakage from equipment. Instead opt for a ponytail, boxer braids, or work a water-safe hood or cap in order to protect your hair.
Why Does My Hair Struggle in The Water?
The reason why you only really experience struggles with your hair while it’s in the water is because of the effect water has on hair. When hair is submerged into water for long periods, the hair follicles weaken and are more prone to breakage.
So when diving in saltwater the hair follicles soften and the salt from the saltwater dries the hair out, while the water makes it easier to break strands of hair. This results in the brittleness you may notice after a dive. And why your mask tends to pull so much hair out.
How to Avoid Hair Related Issues When Scuba Diving
If you want to truly avoid any hair-related issues while scuba diving, the best bet is to get rid of the thing in the way altogether. That way hair stays out of your sightline and your equipment. However, shaving off your hair is an extreme measure to take for scuba diving.
If you’re thinking that it’s your equipment that’s the culprit to the hair entanglement and breakage you’re experiencing, then try some upgrades that will help solve that problem. One solution is a neoprene mask strap cover that covers the grabby silicone mask strap.
If you’ve tried everything else mentioned above with the oils and conditioners and hairstyles but are still finding your hair is still brittle and breaking, then the problem may lay with your actual haircare routine and not the saltwater and sun.
Final Thoughts
Scuba diving is a beloved activity for many people, but it’s no secret that having longer hair makes diving difficult sometimes. Whether you’re a hobbyist or a professional, you probably know what it feels like to have your mask pull at your hair, or feel the dryness of your once soft locks after the saltwater.
However, do not fret if you’re noticing hair loss or brittleness after a dive. Instead, try the tips above in order to protect your precious locks from the salt and sun, and to keep your hair looking as great as it did on the way into the water.

My unbounded love for the oceans and everything it has to offer motivated me to pursue my passion and become a professional scuba diving instructor.
I keep reading, exploring, and learning more about scuba diving and the underwater world all the time, so I’m excited to share my knowledge with fellow scuba enthusiasts and hopefully contribute a little to your development as a diver. I want people to fall in love with the oceans with as much passion as I have. Read more about me here.